When No One Validates Your Intuition

The short answer to this is: no one is supposed to validate your intuition but yourself. There will be so many times on this journey where you will envision something or receive intuitive insight on an idea, business or project. You might even know that you...

How to love your empire into life

This blog is for the Divine Feminine artiste–entrepreneur who opts to flow with life and be guided by her intuition. Chances are, if you've come across this blog, you are someone just like me who can feel the electricity of special magic coursing through your...

The pressure to change the world

Do you ever feel pressured to change the world? I've been avoiding social media and any kind of messages pushing me to heal myself or change my life in order to change the world. I used to chant for this kind of personal change, but...

What to do when you have creative constipation

What to do when you are stuck creatively [D]o you want to know what the difference is between entrepreneurs who create versus those who don’t? The difference lies in being able to manage the gap. What gap, you might ask? It’s not the success gap nor...

What is intuitive web design?

What is intuitive web design? [H]ello there, my love! I'm so excited to talk to you today about what is intuitive web design. First, let's talk about traditional web design Traditional web design, business planning and marketing is a strategic, linear process. Entrepreneurs and their coaches or advisors...