Why intuition can sometimes guide you to failure

[H]ave you ever been intuitively guided to do something that failed or turned out to be 'wrong'? Or, have you ever stopped yourself from taking action because you thought it was unaligned? If it failed, does that mean it was unaligned? What if your heart...

Do you shame your clients?

[R]ecently, I was coaching a wonderful woman on her very cool signature program and she had this idea for her sales copy. To help potential customers vet themselves, she created three different personas, each with their own unique set of characteristics. You may have seen...

Are you afraid of your power?

[L]ast week, I had an enlightening heart–to–heart talk with a client and she shared something very tender with me. She said that when she tries to sell something, she secretly wishes that no one will buy or show up. You know what? I've had those...

How to stop envy from ruining your business

[M]ark Twain once said, "Comparison is the death of joy." He's right! During the times when I'm feeling not so good about myself, I compare myself against others whose lives appear to blossom more fully than mine. Have you ever been sucked into a negative spiral...